Tuesday, October 31, 2006

YOU define ME.??..

Us.. human beings..? Do we have a tendency to hate someone or some past cuz they did one mistake eventhough they would have done a 1000 good things.I wonder why it happens? Why can't we look at the good things and move on in life? Is this why people tend to live with memories which they term as bad? Just think about it. May be the person who was responsible for your present would have done many things to make you happy at that time. Out of love or friendship, they would have done lot many wonderful things to make you smile, to see you happy and some thing happens somewhere that breaks it all. All those wonder days become bad memories because of that 1 (or 2) mistakes which they do and is given top priority. We are prone to do mistakes in our lives. That is what teach us not to do it in the future. But, shouldn't we be thankful to the person who makes us realise it? Our shortcomings et all which has made us a better person today?

Should n't we forgive them for their so called mistakes as though we are perfect?? If we are not perfect and if we also do mistakes who are we not to forgive them? All of a sudden they start behaving strangely as if they didn't know us at all or they do not want to know us. Sometimes it is so strange that it hurts. And, they also live with that hurt? NOTHING can surpass the system we have inside us. It knows when we do wrong or right eventhough some wrongs are compulsively termed as right by the outside world and therefore by us. I do not want to cheat me, let alone others. People start hating others when others fall short of some expectations. Expectations.. which others may not be able to reach to. Life becomes out of control when you expect something from others and when you don't get it, you blame them as if you are perfect. Silly you and me! I do not want to expect anything from others. If i am worth, i will and should get it. That is all i know. I have been getting some really "good" definitions about me.
WHO ARE YOU TO DEFINE ME? .. I wonder.. But, i still love you for what you are.!! cuz you were and are good at some point of time. cuz i also do mistakes and i do not have any right to criticize you or expect anything from you. And, that is all i know and want to know.

1 comment:

Me said...

Someone dared to define Fizzy
This has made him very angry.

Though it was not a nice thing to do
No sweat, Fizzy still likes you!

Meanwhile, for Fizz I have some advise:
Very few in this world can take the bad with the nice.
Its upto you to make the compromise!