Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Its all the same.

Let us assume that a millionaire bought his favorite car, say a BMW 7 series for the first time. Obviously, he will have a sense of accomplishment and will be happy. Now, let us assume a poor man bought a bicycle for the first time, his favorite. He will also become happy. Both of them were able to buy due to their ability and hard work.

My question is will there be any difference in the level of happiness they experience. I mean to say, will the happiness or sense of achievement of the millionaire get multiplied by a million times? Or, that of the poor man at a lesser level?

I don't think so. One thing is that when people experience such emotions, its level will be more or less same. Of course, it cannot be measured. But, common sense says that such emotions just cannot get any bigger or smaller depending upon how much we spend. The feeling will be the same. The amount of happiness will be more or less same. The experience is the same. So, Why spend so much to get the same amount of feeling regardless of how you get it? A big house Vs. a small & livable one, A luxurious trip to Switzerland Vs a trip to Kashmir...Isn't it all the same at the end of the day? Its more or less trying to be happy and living within the means.

Its like someone said, "In the long run, we are all dead.". So, Isn't it better to spend the excess unwanted expenditure for uplifting the society or helping your poor neighbor and settle for a car which will serve the purpose of taking you from point A to B, in a safe and efficient manner? At least, someone will benefit with your existence in this planet.

Too much, eh? Try sacrificing. It could be a better feeling once you get used to it.

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