Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A new day. A new confusion..??

I actually had a practice of writing things into my diary during school days. I continued it till me 1st 2 yrs. in college and then i just don't remember what happened to it...Now, technology has made me more lazy. There is no need for me to maintain a physical diary or for that matter, search for a pen when u really need it. I am not actually trying to come up with a sequel for my long lost diary. The old one was ..well lets not talk about it.

This one will just contain experiences of my life. .a life which i want to fall in love with very much so that i can appreciate it 's virtues when i really can. I decided that i won't write any day-to-day happenings. But instead i will write my thoughts. I want to write what i learn everyweek if not, lets start blogging more.. :)

Actually, last week some questions haunted me such as whyz that i am so different? why is that i am so ambitious? .. why shud i feel better??? It is because i BELIEVE that if i don't feel better about things that happen around me, then other's around me won't feel any better. My thoughts reflect in my surroundings, They take shape and become real sooon that they start effecting my life. So, i thought i will just change the way i think about myself. If i don't feel that i am confident enough to face the obstacles in life and work, then i know i will never be confident. The only thing i can do is, do some actions that give results. Some short-term plans that give results that can boost my confidence superfast...bit by bit, that is how things in nature actually work.

Every action you do everyday accumulates and give a big result one fine day.There is defenitley no short cuts.Absolutely not. And one more thing i know is that If you don't change NOW, then you never will.

Confusions?? is there any way to clear it?? If yes, what i would say is just be honest with yourself. That is the primary step that has to be taken. When you are honest, you are being good to yourself and also to other's around you. Some events will make you feel etter and some will make you feel like a jerk. And, here are always lessons to be learnt by being a jerk.You will know where you went wrong and why. If you repeat it, ..well, forgive urself, If you repeat again, then also forgive urself.Again if you repeat, then you are beyond repair, my friend.

Confusions are like chinese noodles. In the plate, it seems each noodle is interlinked with the other and the feeling u get is that u gotta have the whole plate of noodles at 1 go. As u know, u can't do that :). U gotta take only some noodles using ur fork and then consume it steadily.Finally, the plate becomes empty.Same way, though u might be having oodles of confusions, take one confusion at a time and dissolve it.Finally, ur plate called mind will be clean, filled wit peace. why am i writing about confusions so much??? well.. am i confused?? :)

Believe that If you feel that you are different from others because of the way you think, then you ARE.. Feel proud about it. Atleast YOU do not want to be the sheep in the herd. wut say, budd?? :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed reading this blog...Lot of times in my life I felt I was just to confused about things....I too tried to swallow all the noodles in the plate at the same time...Good thought process friend!!